Sunday 8 November 2009

Rowing on the Cam

I rowed for the first time yesterday in the Peterhouse Novice Boat. It was very chilly; I could hardly feel my hands by the end of it. Nevertheless, it was a fantastic experience. The autumn sunlight and the bright reds and golds of the trees provided the perfect ambiance for the event. But, it was hard work.

I caught a crab at some point -- meaning my oar got "caught" in the water, or, I did not square my blade into the water, causing it to whip-back into me, nearly knocking the wind out of me. Had the boat not been stopped at this point, I would have been knocked off the boat. Close call.

That was the only mishap of the day. So, going back to how rowing is amazing... It is a fantastic experience to be doing something in synchrony with the seven other people in the boat. I really did get the sense that I was working in a team, because if I did not stroke at the right time, I would ruin the balance and pace of the boat. The rush of wind as the boat cuts through the water, and the push that is experienced with each stroke is invigorating.

My abs were very very sore by the end of the day. Most other were complaining about their backs, so I wasn't sure what I had done incorrectly. But, sure enough, that evening, my back started getting sore. But, it's a good kind of soreness -- one that reminds me that I am alive and well.

I always looked at the sport of rowing askance because it was something reserved, as far as I knew in the Ivy League, reserved for the super tall and fit people. There's no such thing, nor an active effort back home to make rowing a possible recreational sport. If it was, it was clearly so poorly advertised that I still do not know about it till this day.

I love Cambridge. It's really opening up my eyes to new things, though rowing is arguably an old sport. I will stay committed to the Novice Squad of the Peterhouse Boat Club for the rest of the year. In fact, there's a t-shirt design competition for the Novice Squad...and the prize is a bottle of Peterhouse Port. I want it. Will keep you posted on how this goes.

Come spring, I'm definitely going to do croquet. Jolly good!

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