Tuesday 10 November 2009

King of Procastination

I got nothing done today. Woke up at 11am, went to my office to print a paper, then had lunch. Lunch was leftovers -- Thai yellow curry, with mushrooms, chilies, pork, and potatoes, on broad shrimp-roe noodles. I had to go to the Concourse of Addenbrooke's hospital to borrow a fork, since I left mine at home.

I thought I was going to row today. I showed up at the Boat Club...no one. Stayed around for 20 minutes, then left, thinking that there was a last-minute change in the schedule that I did not know of because I did not check my email today.

On my way home, I got caught by the Peterhouse gardener and Porter-on-duty riding my bike through the Garden/Deer Park...I got a firm reprimand, "you should know better!" Well, actually, I didn't. I never knew about the rule, as I've seen other bike in the park anyway. Anyway, I had to walk my bike all the way around the college, and then bike into St. Peter's Terrace from the Trumpington Street side of things. no biggie.

When I got to my email, it turns out that rowing is scheduled for tomorrow. Yay, I have, once again, for the third time, screwed up my schedule thinking that things happened on one day, when they happen on another. I proceeded to get a snack. First, I had 5 beets with the garlic herb mayo I made last night, Then I had 2 mini belgian waffles, one with lemon curd on top, the other with multi-berry jam, accompanied with a glass of nice 2% milk. I'm ready for a nap.

Tonight, I feast at Pembroke College's Formal Hall. That should be fun.

As for getting work accomplished...I'll save that for later.

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