Monday 9 November 2009

Greek Yogurt with English Lemon Curd, topped with Granola:

An unlikely mix of ingredients, creating a truly sapid bowl of goodness.

I just had a grilling session with both of my doctoral supervisors together today. I have to admit, as well as it went, I was a bit stressed out by it. Being in the hot seat for one straight hour is not fun, though incredibly enriching. There's a lot of work to be done till I boil down my project to something more than just another idea.

Nevertheless, to celebrate the completion of the day, I decided to raid my pantry for a treat. I picked up a tub of Greek yogurt (I got the iconic Fage brand Total yogurt), a jar of store-brand (ASDA) Lemon Curd, and a box of store-brand (Tesco) granola (the box calls them "oat clusters") that contains plenty of freeze-dried strawberry slices in it.

The yogurt is simply magic to the tongue and mind -- thick, creamy, rich, just tart enough, grounding one immediately in a state of gustatory wellness. To start, I treated myself to a  spoon of it, with honey drizzled on top -- the perfect way to prime my appetite. Then, I decided to try something new -- I mixed 1 tablespoon of lemon curd into 2/3 cups of yogurt, and then sprinkled granola on top. This turned out to be one of the best things I've ever had. Mary Poppins was onto something with her measuring tape: put this bowl up to it, and it will also say "practically perfect in every way."

The sweet and sour nature of the lemon curd only enhanced the brightness of the Greek Yogurt. The thickness of it is simply heavenly, with a density similar to Labna, but with a little more air incorporated into it.  The crunchiness of the granola, and the sour strawberries further enhanced the well balanced citrusy yogurt. I'm eating it right now as I'm writing...can't get enough of it. Need a pick-me-up? Go grab a bowl of this fine stuff and tell me what you think. After all, the proof is in the pudding. Bon Appetit!

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