Friday 2 April 2010

A Thousand Apologies for the Prolonged "Silence"

I am amazed that it is already Good Friday, and I have not done anything to fill you in on my whereabouts since January. A lot has transpired since my last update, of which includes tasting my first jellied eels, haggis, and Spotted Dick. The most exciting development of all is that I even managed to get some important work accomplished as part of my thesis, i.e. I am writing something useful for my PhD, having done nothing useful for most of the past two academic terms. Lent term has started and completed in all this time, and I shall, in small installments, bring you all up-to-speed with my Cantabrigian life in April 2010. I promise to be better at updating this blog in the upcoming, and final term of the academical year: Easter Term. I will post in chronological order, and end with the most recent post containing my most recent pictures and descriptors.

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